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Worse than the brilliant jerk? (Apparently so)

Worse than the brilliant jerk? (Apparently so)

While the Brilliant Jerk has taken the spotlight for their non-team playing and arrogant behaviour, The Economist has identified a more troubling phenomenon that is often overlooked:

The “secret” to becoming highly susceptible to success

The “secret” to becoming highly susceptible to success

Last year, I saw Derren Brown perform and was predictably blown away. He uses body language and other cues to pick audience members who are incredibly susceptible to hypnosis – which makes it look effortless.

Productivity, penguins and having happier employees

Productivity, penguins and having happier employees

You’re on a mission to drive employee engagement and unify everyone under a shared vision. But it feels like you’re hitting a brick wall when not a single question pops up in your all-hands meetings or company offsite.

Attract top talent without getting on the naughty list!

Attract top talent without getting on the naughty list!

If I don’t want to work in your business there’s a good chance that Mr or Mrs Ambitious, High Potential who you’ve just interviewed will feel the same way too.

Here are the top 3 reasons I will walk away from a prospect:

What Matters More to Your Workforce than Money

What Matters More to Your Workforce than Money

Several years ago, I met a CEO who talked a LOT about their Values – I have to admit I was quite impressed. But then he dumped one of his senior execs in a way that couldn’t be described as ‘showing integrity’ or ‘putting people first’. 🤦‍♀️

How To Give Feedback…The Gift I’d Love To Give You

How To Give Feedback…The Gift I’d Love To Give You

Do you wring your hands when it comes to telling people exactly how it is? Or, maybe you’re very direct and people shut down when you tell them things – so you’ve given up?

Are You Still Relying On Your Willpower Alone?

Are You Still Relying On Your Willpower Alone?

How often have you set yourself a goal that requires a consistent change in your behaviour, and then floundered once the initial willpower has worn off? This could be something you’re trying to do personally: ‘I want to run a marathon by December’, or professionally: ‘I want to stop problem-solving and be a coach to my team.

Starting a new job? Why your first 30 days in a new post are crucial….

Starting a new job? Why your first 30 days in a new post are crucial….

Back in 1992, (yes a long time ago!) I was promoted to Plant Manager of a Textile Mill – in charge of 120 people. Picture the scene: it’s Monday morning, I’m nervous about starting a new job. I walk through the door as the new boss and introduce myself to the receptionist who leads me to my office.

What Makes a Great Leader? The Importance of Humility

What Makes a Great Leader? The Importance of Humility

I’ve always been a little obsessed with Leadership. If you’ve been there and had to lead people it can become an obsession, working out that magic formula that will guarantee results (to get it done), and improve your ability to lead those people effectively time after time.