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5 steps to ultimate enlightenment…

5 steps to ultimate enlightenment…

I hope you are all preparing to take a break over Christmas and getting a chance to reset for whatever 2023 is set to bring you and the business.  Before you start noshing on mince pies please check out my 5 steps to ultimate enlightenment*

One way to improve results: The Forgetting Curve

One way to improve results: The Forgetting Curve

I was working towards my Ju Jitsu black belt and started teaching self-protection classes.

I talked about self-awareness and that if they were going to fight back, they should never punch with their fist (think punching a brick wall). So they slammed their open hands & elbows into the pads and channelled their inner warrior.

The shift from MD to Chairman

The shift from MD to Chairman

2 years ago Steve decided enough was enough.

His bonsai trees needed attention, he wanted to climb more, and frankly, if Covid taught us anything, it’s that life is too short. So we planned how he could shift from hands-on MD to behind the scenes Chairman.

Become a Natural Born Leader!

Become a Natural Born Leader!

Natural born leaders. This month I met one.

It’s like he had leadership in his bones. You know the type; they might not even manage many people, but you can tell they have the X factor.

“20% of my diary is now white space”

“20% of my diary is now white space”

This was a quote from my client when I spoke to him yesterday.

But last month when he shared his diary with me it was a car crash. So how did he do it?

I can read your mind 🔮

I can read your mind 🔮

What colour comes to mind when I say Coca-Cola?

5 signs you’re micro-managing. And what to do instead.

5 signs you’re micro-managing. And what to do instead.

Nobody admits on their LinkedIn profile to being an over-controlling micro-manager and there’s only a small percentage of (misguided) managers who actively choose this style.

Prioritise THIS to create a High Performing Team

Prioritise THIS to create a High Performing Team

He fearlessly ate her croissant crumbs, before finding another unsuspecting tourist to bother.  He’d decided that she was unlikely to be a bird-eating predator and so it was worth risking hopping onto the table next to her.

What Matters More to Your Workforce than Money

What Matters More to Your Workforce than Money

Several years ago, I met a CEO who talked a LOT about their Values – I have to admit I was quite impressed. But then he dumped one of his senior execs in a way that couldn’t be described as ‘showing integrity’ or ‘putting people first’. 🤦‍♀️

“But I don’t have enough time,” said the manager to their boss

“But I don’t have enough time,” said the manager to their boss

It’s hugely frustrating when you hear something like this from your team, right? Especially if you’re asking them to be more of a leader and less of a doer.