5 steps to ultimate enlightenment…

 Profile image of Corine Hines From Spring Leadership

Corine Hines

Back in 2010, when I was just starting my coaching journey, I began seeing how powerful the process was for individuals. I’ve worked with all types of leaders and managers, from underrated heads of finance and recently recruited high potentials, to directors that were heading for burn out.  Watching them grow, develop better habits and improve their relationships, was incredible. But I was itching to have more impact on the wider business.

Personal transformations are amazing – but I knew that high performing teams aren’t created because one person transforms themselves.

Over the years we’ve developed an approach that helps individuals and teams make huge leaps forward – transformations that set them up for future success, which make a significant difference to them personally and to the bottom line.

Our techniques change businesses for the better. And it’s an absolute privilege to be involved.

I hope you are all preparing to take a break over Christmas and getting a chance to reset for whatever 2023 is set to bring you and the business.  Before you start noshing on mince pies please check out my 5 steps to ultimate enlightenment*

Step 1

Harvest your learning

If you’re part of my community it’s likely you’ve been working on yourself, your team, the business, or all of the above. It’s time to take a pause so you can contemplate 2022 – what did you learn? What do you appreciate? What impact did you have?

Step 2

Fast forward into 2023

What are the top issues and opportunities you predict you’ll be encountering in 2023? What excites you? What is at the edge of your vision and needs your full attention?

Step 4

Increase the impact

Get the SMT or your team together and invite them to answer these questions as individuals and as a team. Discuss and make plans.

Step 5

Get Inspiration

Contact me. My promise to you: If there are any subjects that are up my street (that’ll be your habits, the leadership, your people, the culture,) I promise to write something super useful in response.

Ps. Disclaimer: ultimate enlightenment is not guaranteed and refunds or exchanges can not be made without a receipt.