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What Matters More to Your Workforce than Money

What Matters More to Your Workforce than Money

Several years ago, I met a CEO who talked a LOT about their Values – I have to admit I was quite impressed. But then he dumped one of his senior execs in a way that couldn’t be described as ‘showing integrity’ or ‘putting people first’. 🤦‍♀️

Can you ever be TOO keen or TOO helpful?

Can you ever be TOO keen or TOO helpful?

My manager had the capacity to develop my emotional intelligence, and instead, she crushed my spirit. When I finally left the company, I thanked her for the bouquet of flowers but inside I hadn’t forgiven her.

My Top 3 Time Management Hacks (that you might not even need)

My Top 3 Time Management Hacks (that you might not even need)

I want to share my top 3 time management hacks – but do you actually have a time management issue at all?

Debunk this leadership myth and become a better partner

Debunk this leadership myth and become a better partner

There’s a myth I’m keen to debunk  – but I’m curious if you agree?

1 simple technique to say goodbye to Groundhog Day

1 simple technique to say goodbye to Groundhog Day

Ever found yourself bracing for a conversation with somebody who hasn’t done what they promised?

Swearing is useful (and 3 more surprising lessons inspired by my clients)

Swearing is useful (and 3 more surprising lessons inspired by my clients)

Learning from my clients is often way more fun than picking up a book. Here are the top lessons I’ve learned so far this year – inspired by my clients.

“But I don’t have enough time,” said the manager to their boss

“But I don’t have enough time,” said the manager to their boss

It’s hugely frustrating when you hear something like this from your team, right? Especially if you’re asking them to be more of a leader and less of a doer.

The REAL reasons your team don’t come up with more fresh ideas

The REAL reasons your team don’t come up with more fresh ideas

I bet some of the best initiatives in your business have your fingerprints all over them, don’t they? And now you want others to put their ideas forward. But why isn’t it happening how you’d hoped?

My Epic Failure to Listen…

My Epic Failure to Listen…

If you know anything about Steve and I, you’ll know we have tattoos on our arms reading “it’s not the knowing that’s difficult, it’s the doing” (we don’t by the way but you get the idea).

On Saturday I proved how true this is and totally failed to put a technique into practice from a book that’s been my bedside reading for months.

Five (coach free!) ways to increase your team’s productivity

Five (coach free!) ways to increase your team’s productivity

Whether your business is full steam ahead or you’re still grappling with local lockdowns, achieving results with people in your team is more important than ever. But that doesn’t mean it comes easily.