My stressed-out client would have Googled ‘time management hacks’ on his lunch breaks – if he wasn’t already working through them. Sometimes he ended up being triple booked for meetings.
But was this a problem of Time Management?
Turns out the answer was….kind of but not really.
In his case:
– He didn’t like saying no & took on too much work
– He wasn’t prioritising so wasn’t adding value
– He felt like an imposter
– He was a conflict avoider
He started realising he had a choice about how he spent his time – and the journey to changing his habits began!
But sometimes a time management hack can really make a difference- here are 3 that really work for me:
1- Turn off your e-mail notifications – it takes an average of 25 minutes to return to the original task after an interruption. Plus who likes the beeping noises during Teams sessions?!
2- Ruthlessly plan and prioritise your tasks using something like kanbanflow
3 – Eat That Frog. Don’t overthink it – if you’re putting it off and it’s going to add value, make it the first thing you do in the day.
These work for me every time – I hope they work for you.
And if you’re not convinced it’s really a time management issue after all get in touch and we can find out what’s really going on.